How Hot Tubs Can Help With Stress, Insomnia, Headaches & Back Pain
How Hot Tub Immersion Can Help Stress, Insomnia, Headaches, Back Pain & More
How are you feeling?
Modern life is not easy, recent times have been even more challenging.
As my friends and I have shared our personal struggles, many common themes have emerged: anxiety; uncertainty; mental and physical health issues.
My solution has remained the same throughout – get round to ours with your swim kit and immerse yourself in the Hydropool. Let the targeted massage action go to work on those modern life distractions and challenges and soon, everything starts to feel more balanced.
It’s amazing how those jets get to work on every aspect of your well-being! Immersed in soothing warm water, feeling weightless, your heavy troubles seem to dissolve too.
That specific targeted massage action brings multiple benefits, leads to a release of various tensions, and just makes you feel calm and ready to face the world anew.
Most Hot Tubs are initially bought because, well, who doesn’t like the thought of owning a hot tub?! Hydropool offers so much more though.
Hydropool hot tubs are now installed in over 40 countries, they’re enjoyed in both private homes and professional environments. This gave us a lot of feedback to work with.
We collaborated with Hydrotherapy Centres, Wellness Spas and Aquatic Therapy Professionals and we listened to user needs and the two sets of responses helped us discover a world of other potential benefits for Hydropool customers.
Specifically, seven major, key benefits were discovered through this research:
- Leg Pain Relief
- Back Pain Relief
- Headache Relief
- Stress Relief
- Easing Of Digestive Issues
- Sports Recovery
- Metabolism Boost and Diet
At the same time, we were listening to customers who were telling is of the mental and physical health challenges that they were facing: insomnia; headaches; back pain; stress; intolerances and problems digesting certain foods; stiffness following sport or a work out; etc.
The similarities between the two lists were clear!
The early Hydropool designers got to work ensuring that the potential individual benefits could be enjoyed by every user.
We are all unique! We are individuals. Your genetic makeup, your body size and your lifestyle all play a role in defining your sensitivity to various recommended massages. The aim was to create a hydrotherapy space for everyone.
Knowing the challenges Hydropool users and customers were experiencing and the benefits that our hot tubs could deliver, we set about re-engineering the seating and lounger to obtain the best comfort for each body type and massage session. We re-invented our own jets to deliver the optimum massage movements and re-positioned each jet to strategically work on selected body parts.
Listening to experts' recommendations we developed the Therapy Zones that deliver the health benefits that you’ll get when you own a Hydropool Spa.
A visit to our showroom, is a sensory delight! The nostalgic aroma of the chlorine as you enter and the gentle soothing sound of the bubbles, as the hot tubs initiate self-cleaning, instantly instil a feeling of calm. You cannot resist dipping your hand into the warm waters of one of the tubs on display and, every time, this is followed by an appreciative sigh.
Then, most visitors’ eyes are drawn to a large display that profiles the specific well-being benefits of the tub’s Wellness Programmes. One or two conditions that can be relieved through immersion in warm, bubbly, massaging water will always particularly chime with our guest or their family.
As they peruse the menu of Wellness Programmes, we’ll regularly hear “I get stress headaches” or “I struggle to sleep” or they’ll turn to a family member and say “You’re a martyr to your back” or “You’re always stiff for days after cycling”.
Take a look for yourself and see if there’s a Wellness Programme that would suit you.
Leg Pain – Using three zones, and requiring the air therapy option, within 25 minutes you feel leg pain and muscle ache start to fade as the jets get to work. The buoyancy of a hot tub offers extra support for sore limbs and it can also decrease swelling and inflammation. The massaging jets can help improve circulation and increase muscle temperature via deep heating. Hot tub stretching exercises can also offer fewer, less severe nocturnal leg cramps, with the added DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of bergamot and lemongrass, tangerine and grapefruit adding to your wellbeing experience.
Back Pain – Again a 25 minute programme that uses three zones to work one of the most common ailments mentioned by customers. This programme does not require the air therapy option. Back pain is not always directly related to an underlying condition with the back specifically and may be caused by injury, strained muscles, standing or sitting for unusually long periods or even pregnancy. It is estimated that four out of every five adults (80%) will experience back pain at some stage in their life (1) and the National Health Service spends more than £1 billion per year on back pain related costs (2)! Easy to see why this one gets the most attention. Add the DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of ginger or spearmint and eucalyptus to enhance the experience.
Diet Boost - Your hot tub can be a great way to de-stress with the immersion in hot water and targeted hydrotherapy jets relaxing your muscles, slowing breathing, lowering cortisol levels in your body, reducing stress to assist with weight loss. The Diet Boost programme uses three zones, does not require the air therapy option, and is enriched by the DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of tangerine and grapefruit.
Sports Recovery – Professional sports teams have enjoyed the benefits of hydrotherapy for sports recovery for many years and now you can have this benefit in your own home. It’s not just after exercise either, hydrotherapy can loosen muscles and increase circulation helping you to stretch before a workout – indeed, a study found that a warm water, pre-workout soak can reduce exercise-induced muscle damage (3). Post-exercise, the massaging action of the Hydropool jets can soothe your tired muscles and help with the release of lactic acid, aiding recovery. The sports recovery programme uses three zones, requires the air therapy option, and your experience is heightened by the DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of ginger or spearmint and eucalyptus.
Headaches – Again a very common complaint that can be eased by immersion in your Hydropool. The DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of Ylang-Ylang (I have friends that swear by the calming effect of this for their headaches) or Tangerine will boost the effects as the three zones go to work. The headache wellness programme requires the air therapy option, uses three zones and takes just twenty minutes. You’ll notice the jets working pressure points along your back and neck. The root of many tension headaches is neck and back muscles, aiding these muscles to relax can ease your tension headache.
Insomnia – Increasingly, visitors to our Nottingham show-site are pointing to this programme as being of benefit to them. Ironically, the recommended eight hours sleep has become a distant dream for many. Just 20 minutes in your hot tub with the insomnia programme and its DreamScent aromatherapy suggestion of chamomile or bergamot and lemongrass can have a noticeable effect on your sleeping pattern. Using three zones and not needing the air therapy option, the insomnia programme can help by raising and then lowering your body temperature, your hot tub puts your body in an ideal state for sleep. Sleep experts say raising your body temperature by just one to two degrees can help you enter a deeper sleep state (once you get in bed it will drop quickly triggering deeper sleep). By soaking for just 20 minutes, two hours before bedtime, you'll fall asleep more quickly.
Stress – The 25 minute stress programme gives you an endorphin boost that aids natural relaxation. This programme does not require the air therapy option and uses two zones. Bergamot and Lemon Grass and Ylang-Ylang are the DreamScent aromatherapy recommendations to enrich the stress relieving experience and create the perfect antidote to your hectic and stressful lifestyle. The warm water and soothing massage jets work to relieve anxiety and relax your tense muscles.
Full Body Awakening – You’ll wonder how you ever managed to start your day without this one! Just ten minutes, you’ll need the air therapy option and we recommend DreamScent aromatherapy in the form of invigorating ginger or ylang-ylang. Who doesn’t want a full body treat before the kids are even awake? Before you get lost in the hurly burly of the day, lose yourself in the oasis of calm that is your Hydropool’s full body awakening programme.
That’s a really quick flyover the wellness programmes, we have a number of detailed, digital Hot Tub (and SwimSpa) brochures that go a little deeper into the specs, features and conditioning benefits of the World’s Only Self-Cleaning Hot Tubs and SwimSpas and the Hydropool Wellness Programmes. Of course, our friendly colleagues are always on hand to answer any questions, either in person at our Nottingham show-site, on-line, or by telephone on 0800 144 8827.
So, do you suffer from back pain, headaches or stress? Do you or a loved one complain of digestive issues, sports injuries, headaches, insomnia or stress?
Adding hydrotherapy to your self-cleaning hot tub takes the science of immersion to the next level. Hydropool Zone Therapy delivers hot tubs that will improve circulation, relax tired muscles, and enhance your state-of-mind and general sense of well-being.
The Experience Is Automated - Fully Programmable Hydrother Package Option
At Hydropool, we make accessing specific, tailored massages and general well-being even easier! There are four big considerations when customising your tub:
- Type of Jets Used
- Jet Placement For Optimum Benefits
- The Seating Should Be Designed Around You
- Length of Time in the Seat
We’ve made all this so simple. At the touch of a button YOU can choose your Wellness Programme, then naturally follow your hot tub sequences to effortlessly achieve your desired therapeutic results. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the world’s first automated wellness spa.
Invigorating, Rejuvenating, Relaxing
You will feel the benefits of hydrotherapy, warm soothing water, invigorating and pulsating jet streams and natural buoyancy within the first five minutes - it’s that instant!
You will enjoy peace and serenity, and you’ll thoroughly relax, the moment you enter the water. You’ll feel rejuvenated like never before and thanks to the Hydropool Wellness Programmes you’ll be fit for what matters most - you, your family, your life.
- Palmer KT, Walsh K, et al. Back pain in Britain: comparison of two prevalence surveys at an interval of 10 years BMJ 2000;320:1577-1578.
- Maniadakis A, Gray A. The economic burden of back pain in the UK. Pain 2000;84:95-103
- Skurvydas A, Kamandulis S, Stanislovaitis A, Streckis V, Mamkus G, Drazdauskas A. Leg immersion in warm water, stretch-shortening exercise, and exercise-induced muscle damage. J Athl Train https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2582551/